Tero's Arduino Blog

Using Arduino with Ada

Arduino Due

Arduino Due is another Arduino board, but with Atmel ARM processor instead of AVR. I have had Due for a while, but flashing it on Linux had not been working. However, now I managed to flash simple blink app (written in C++) on Linux using bossac:

sudo ~/programs64/arduino-1.5 …

Attiny4313 support in AVR-Ada

A short note that I just pushed support for attiny4313 processor to AVR-Ada repository. I am not sure does that make into AVR-Ada 1.2.x release, but most likely it will be in AVR-Ada 1.2.x+1 or 1.3.x release.

In theory, support for attiny4313 should …


Automating avr-gnat and AVR-Ada installation

For those, who don't want to follow my manual build instructions, I made a script which automates the steps.

You can use the script like this:

wget https://hg.sr.ht/~tkoskine/avr-ada-build-script/archive/tip.tar.gz
tar zxvf tip.tar.gz
cd avr-ada-build-script-tip/
sh -x build-avr-ada-environment.sh

The script …


Building avr-gnat for AVR-Ada

None of the Linux distributions ship Ada-enabled avr-gcc (avr-gnat) by default. And building GNAT for AVR a bit tricky. So, to help the situation I have tried to gather a little help for that.

To build AVR-Ada applications, you need following software packages

  • avr-binutils
  • avr-gcc + avr-gnat
  • avr-libc
  • avr-ada itself

Since …


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