Tero's Arduino Blog

Using Arduino with Ada

Measuring the accuracy of delays in AVR-Ada

Saleae Logic cables to Arduino UNOr3

AVR-Ada provides basically two ways to delay the code execution.

One way is busy looping using Generic_Busy_Wait_Seconds and Generic_Wait_USecs procedures from the AVR.Wait package.

procedure My_Wait is new AVR.Wait.Generic_Busy_Wait_Seconds
  (Crystal_Hertz => 16_000_000);

procedure Wait_1000ms is …

Arduino Leonardo and (bad) USB interrupt

This is little heads-up for people, in case someone else also hits the same problem.

When playing with Arduino Leonardo, I noticed that if I enable interrupts, the code seems to freeze.

After some debugging and Google search, I found out that USB is turned on by the boot loader …


AVR-Ada gets teensy 2.0, teensy++ 2.0, Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro support

I just pushed initial support for atmega32u4 and improved support for at90usb1286 MCUs to AVR-Ada repository. This means you can now use AVR-Ada with your teensy and Arduino Leonardo devices.

Teensy 2.0, Arduino Leonardo, and Arduino Micro devices have atmega32u4 processor and teensy++ 2.0 has at90usb1286 processor. These …


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