Tero's Arduino Blog

Using Arduino with Ada

Software Serial for Adafruit Trinket (TX only)

Trinket on breadboard

Some AVR devices, like attiny85 (on Adafruit Trinket, for example), do not have hardware UART. However, it would be still nice to have serial output from them.

I wrote a simple Soft_Serial package, which can use any GPIO pin as TX UART pin.

package Soft_Serial is
   Serial_Pin …

Driving Neopixel LEDs using only Ada

Inspired by my earlier delay experiments and its followup discussion on AVR-Ada mailinglist, I decided to put my delay functions in good use.

Neopixel RGB LEDs require exact timing and people usually use AVR assembler code to get the timing right. However, I wanted to see can I do it …


Measuring the accuracy of delays in AVR-Ada

Saleae Logic cables to Arduino UNOr3

AVR-Ada provides basically two ways to delay the code execution.

One way is busy looping using Generic_Busy_Wait_Seconds and Generic_Wait_USecs procedures from the AVR.Wait package.

procedure My_Wait is new AVR.Wait.Generic_Busy_Wait_Seconds
  (Crystal_Hertz => 16_000_000);

procedure Wait_1000ms is …

Arduino Leonardo and (bad) USB interrupt

This is little heads-up for people, in case someone else also hits the same problem.

When playing with Arduino Leonardo, I noticed that if I enable interrupts, the code seems to freeze.

After some debugging and Google search, I found out that USB is turned on by the boot loader …


Wireless temperature sensor using Olimexino-328, XBee, and DS18B20

I have made temperature sensor in the past, but now I added power saving features to the code.

The result was a device which lasts almost a month when it reports temperature once an hour over XBee and is powered by 1000mAh LiPo battery.

Custom XBee Shield with DS18B20

Instead of official Arduino, I used …


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