Displaying Characters on MOD-LCD3310 by using Olimexino-328 with Ada
MOD-LCD3310 is Nokia 3310 display clone from Olimex. It provides black and white screen with 84x48 resolution, which is a great choice if 7-segment display or 2x16 LCD isn't enough.
MOD-LCD3310 uses UEXT connector found from almost every Olimex board. In case you don't have one, you can follow the UEXT specification and just connect the pins.
Like how I have done with Olinuxino-imx233 micro board:
But as you notice, it is easier to simply use a board with header, for example Olimexino-328, which is Arduino clone from Olimex.
To prevent extra work, I simply translated Olinuxino-imx233 C example made by Olimex to Ada. NOTE: Because of this the code is distributed under GPLv2+, while I normally distribute the code under GMGPL or ISC.
You can find the Ada version from my arduino-mod-lcd3310 repository.
The package specification is simple:
package LCD3310 is use Interfaces; X_Resolution : constant := 84; Y_Resolution : constant := 48; type X_Coords is new Unsigned_16 range 1 .. X_Resolution; type Y_Coords is new Unsigned_16 range 1 .. Y_Resolution; type Column_Index is new Unsigned_8 range 1 .. X_Resolution / 8; type Row_Index is new Unsigned_8 range 1 .. Y_Resolution / 8; procedure Init; procedure Update; procedure Clear; procedure Draw_Char (Ch : Character; X_Pos : Column_Index; Y_Pos : Row_Index); procedure Draw_Pixel (X_Pos : X_Coords; Y_Pos : Y_Coords); procedure Draw_Line (X1 : X_Coords; Y1 : Y_Coords; X2 : X_Coords; Y2 : Y_Coords); procedure Put_Line (Str : AVR.Strings.AVR_String; Y_Pos : Row_Index); end LCD3310;
And it can be used like this:
-- Initialize the module LCD3310.Init; -- Clear the screen LCD3310.Clear; -- Draw one character LCD3310.Draw_Char ('X', 1, 1); -- Draw a line LCD3310.Draw_Line (10, 10, 80, 40); -- Actually draw thing on the screen. -- The screen is not updated before Update call. LCD3310.Update;
Now, just add some buttons and you are ready make a roguelike, for example.