Tero's Arduino Blog

Using Arduino with Ada

Saving power with AVR-Ada

As I got my INA219 sensor working, the next logical step was to actually find out how you can save some power with Arduinos.

Sparkfun provides a nice article about the subject and atmega328p datasheet is also an useful information source.

To save power, I basically did following things:

  1. Turned …

AVR-Ada gets teensy 2.0, teensy++ 2.0, Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro support

I just pushed initial support for atmega32u4 and improved support for at90usb1286 MCUs to AVR-Ada repository. This means you can now use AVR-Ada with your teensy and Arduino Leonardo devices.

Teensy 2.0, Arduino Leonardo, and Arduino Micro devices have atmega32u4 processor and teensy++ 2.0 has at90usb1286 processor. These …


Measuring current with INA219 sensor

To optimize the power usage of my Arduino devices, I first needed to measure the power usage.

I could have done it traditionally with multimeter, but then I found Adafruit's INA219 sensor breakout board.

Adafruit also has nice tutorial for the sensor (which I actually bought from oomlout.co.uk …


AVR-Ada 1.2.2 RPMs for Fedora 19

AVR-Ada 1.2.2 RPMs for Fedora 19 (i386 and x86_64) are now available in my fedora.ada-language.com repository.

As before, create file /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-adalanguage.repo with contents:

name=Tero's Fedora RPM repository for Ada packages
baseurl=http://fedora.ada-language.com/repo/$releasever/$basearch …

Attiny4313 and I2C master using USI

Getting I2C working with attiny processors has been yet another long-time project of me. It has been stuck mostly because I haven't had time to create attiny4313 board with I2C chip on it.

But finally, I managed to create one:

The attiny2313 board, where I put all the stuff, comes …


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